Letter from the Editor

Dear Cousins,

As this is the last newsletter for 2011, I'd like to take the opportunity to thank the many contributors to this publication. I wish to make special mention of Peter Blencowe, Jack Blencowe, Roger Blinko and Robert Wallis for their help and support. Thank you to Allen Blincoe in North America, Marjorie Papalii in New Zealand and Peter Blencowe in the UK for distributing the newsletters.

Benn Blincoe, our webmaster, wrote about the sad loss of his 21 year old nephew, Rosco Takamoto. Benn's sister, Irene Blincoe Takamoto, was understandably heartbroken and is still struggling to deal with this loss. A large service in memory of Rosco was held in Honolulu.

It seems that in most recent newsletters some of our family have been faced with flood, fire or earthquakes in the UK, the USA, Australia or New Zealand. It will come as a surprise to many that our membership extends to Thailand where a member and her family have been faced with the unpleasantness of flood waters and the threat of flooding in Bangkok.

A memorial poppy was placed in the Garden of Remembrance on behalf of our Association. By coincidence we have another memorial story in the newsletter so IĆ­ve decided to continue the theme with the front cover based on the card we used to accompany the wreath laid at the Dawn Service on ANZAC Day at the Port Macquarie Reunion in 2008. It names those who did not return from the wars. Is it too much to hope that there will never be another person added to the list!

A lot of different members have contributed this time, making for more variety. I look forward to receiving your articles for the February newsletter.

Enjoy the upcoming Festive Season with your family and friends. Dennis and I wish you all a very happy Christmas and peaceful and productive 2012.

Anne Burton
November 2011
editor @ blencowefamilies.com