Blencowe Families’ Association Newsletter Vol. 23 No. 2 May 2008

Another DNA Result

Unfortunately the DNA results are slow to come back. However, the reunion was a place to celebrate one result. In Jack’s words “This is a ‘BINGO!’ result because we had no connection on paper of the King’s Sutton branch of the clan to the Marston St Lawrence family. It is not a surprising result because the Marston family had land there.”

What does this mean for the many descendants of John Blencowe (1820-1865) (NL August 2006) who was transported as a convict to Tasmania in 1840? They now have a direct link back to Adam de Blencow and the early squires of Marston St Lawrence.

John was the son of Francis Blencowe and Elizabeth Clements of Lower Middleton Cheney. Incidentally, Thomas Blencowe (b.1803) (NL Nov, 2007), the convict who returned to England and John share common ancestors John Blencowe (1732 < 1810) and Sarah Baseley of King’s Sutton. Although Thomas’ descendants will have different DNA due to his mother Mary’s unmarried status, they will be happy in the knowledge that they too, can claim a link back to Adam.

updated: 10 October 2008