Blencowe Families' Association Newsletter Volume 2 Number 2 July 1987


Published by Blincoe Newspress
President: Edward I Blincoe
Editor: Helen Blincoe Simpson
July 1, 1987


Rosa Ethyl Blincoe Hamilton, Liberal MO


Dad often corresponded with persons bearing our name, so he could plot them onto his genealogy master chart. One year he obtained the address of an attorney who had our surname. Dad wrote him, asking him to supply facts concerning his family's migration.

He received the following reply: "Dear Sir, Your name may be the same as mine, but where I, or any of my family, come from is none of your blankety-blank business!"

My Dad responded: "Dear Sir, Yep, you are indeed a Blincoe."

After that they corresponded frequently, and Dad added him and his family to the master chart


I am using the "Family Roots" Genealogy Program from Quinsept, I have an IBM clone with 20M hard disk and two floppy drives. For condensed charts such as these, I have to print to disk then edit it with Wordstar in order to eliminate extra lines and spaces, The Family Roots program is in user programable "fill in the blanks" format with all pertinent dates, place, marriages, and children. Input can be shuffled and output in many different forms.


"I'm writing to tell you how much we have enjoyed your newsletter of the Blincoes - we certainly will look forward to the next one. We've been traveling thru the New England and Eastern states since Sept and it really has aroused our interest in family history, Also, we visited Manassas, VA yesterday and its a perfect place for our reunion."
Ruth Benson Received Nov, 1988
[ED: Looking forward to meeting you]

"I would like to THANK YOU for all the work you have done and for sharing it with the rest of us."
James Lee Blincoe
[ED: Thanks for the encouragement]

"I send the enclosed to you.,., a discovery triggered the enclosed essay on the Blencowe/Blincoe coat of arms.,.., I tried to do it in such a way that it might be reproduced as part of a newsletter."
Bro Tom Spalding
[ED: Thanks Tom - We will certainly feature it and I will bring it Manassas.]


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updated: 28 January 2003